Super easy 1-2-3 pickle recipe Cucumber, carrots & onions

Super easy 1-2-3 pickle recipe Cucumber, carrots & onions

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This is a super easy pickle recipe for anyone to do at home! It follows a common formula used in Sweden where sugar is used instead of salt. You can also choose to add some salt to the mix as well if you want to. For one jar of about 1 liter in size you need: 1 Cup of 12% vinegar 2 Cups of sugar 3 Cups of water Fill each jar with herbs and spices to your liking and any vegetable you might want. Don't forget to turn the jar upside down afterward. Music: a warm wind at 20p.m. by Barradeen | Music promoted by Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported End credits: save my life again by Barradeen | Music promoted by Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported