🏆 Carrot Marmalade How To Make This Crazy Recipe

🏆 Carrot Marmalade How To Make This Crazy Recipe

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welcome friends recently we made anorange honey quick bread and at the end
during the tasting I commented that itwould go great with some carrot
marmalade on top and then I realized Ihaven't done carrot marmalade on the
channel yet so today we're gonna fixthat so I'm gonna start out by grading
these carrots and this little thumb ofginger you could you could use a box
grater if you wanted to but this is somuch faster so take the carrots out now
carrot marmalade this is this is aninteresting recipe because it goes back
it goes way back to the dawn of thedomestication of the carrot which
happened as near as we can tell in anarea that we today would call Persia or
would have been called Persia so IranAfghanistan that sort of general idea is
where this would have where the carrotwould have first shown up and there are
several carrot jam or carrot marmaladetype recipes that are found in the
cuisines of that area of the world madea little bit differently than I'm making
today this definitely has more of aEuropean Anglo influence but the recipes
there have basically the sameingredients except they would use honey
and it would also be spiced withcardamom pods and coriander and and a
bunch of other really flavorful thingsthat would add to the carrot I'm making
the recipe that my grandmother made whenI was growing up which is very basic
very sweet you put it on your toast inthe morning and it's really just a riff
on orange marmalade so the next thing weneed to do is zest the orange and lemon
and I'm just using a vegetable peelerthat actually puts it into strips
already so it's already cut into stripsit makes it very nice and easy you know
what I'm gonna do this over the pot soall of the peels fall into the pot as
well as all of the oil that's drippingout of the peel I want to get all of the
goodness okay so there you go the peelsof two lemons and two oranges into the
pot I'm gonna put this pot on the stoveand I'm gonna add some water now the
earliest European recipes that I couldfind for this didn't use water what you
ended up doing was taking a lot ofcarrots and juicing them and then taking
that carrot juice and boiling it downinto a really thick syrup and that syrup
concentrated both the carrot flavors andit also concentrated the sugar enos of
carrots carrots are quite naturally fullof sugar and sweet and so that syrup
sweetened the marmalade absolutelyingenious and there's a there's a recipe
that I probably will do at some pointthat uses that method and it was sent to
the British Admiralty and Captain Cookaround 1770 1771 or something like that
where the letter writer was touting boththe health benefits and the longevity of
carrot marmalade saying that it would beperfect to take on the ships for Captain
Cook's next voyage which would have beento the South Pacific because it
prevented scurvy and nourishment to thesailors and it would last almost forever
once it's sealed in a pot as a jam itwill last almost forever
so you know juice the lemons the orangesand I'm gonna put all of that juice into
the pot I'm going to bring it up to aboil and I'm gonna boil it for about 15
okay so you might notice there's a wholelot more going on in the countertop now
than there was just a moment ago this isboiled for about the right amount of
time I'm gonna do the last two additionsto it and the first one is a little bit
of distilled white vinegar and I'm justusing regular old distilled white
vinegar nothing with flavor all you wantis the acid content and the acid does a
couple of things it helps withpreservation but it also helps to sort
of balance out the sugar flavors acidand sugar go together perfectly every
time you'd want to get it balanced so ingoes that next up is just plain white
sugar in that goes we're going to stirthat in and we're gonna continue to boil
this so you want to boil this until youreach 220 degrees Fahrenheit that is the
set point that's the point where thismarmalade is going to set up and be
thick and spreadable and just be perfectit's the difference between being too
runny and being too thick so getyourself an instant-read thermometer and
check the temperature it's the easiestand best way to make this happen and
over in this pot I've got water that isjust about to come to a boil pretty
close to a boil and I'm gonna put thisrack in the bottom this is where I'm
going to hot water pan the jars so I'mgonna fill the jars and then I'm gonna
put them in here bring this to a boiland boil it for 10 to 15 minutes and you
don't want the jars bouncing on thebottom of the pot you want to look them
up off the bottom of the pot that's whyI put the rack in there
now this pot back here has a little bitof water in it and it has the lids so
the lids are in here and you don't wantto boil this water a lot of people say
you have to boil it you don't have toboil it you just want to bring it up
just above body temperature the wholeidea is that you want to soften the
rubber ring if you boil it you're gonnadamage the rubber ring and you don't
want that to happen so this is boilingpretty nicely right now everything is
sterilized I am ready to go as soon asthis reaches temperature and home
canning and home jam making is reallyabout time management
making sure that you get everything inplace at the right time now if you've
never canned before you've never madejam at home before you've never hot
water canned I would suggest that youget a book and this is the one I'm going
to suggest I will leave a link to thisbelow this is by bernard in' if you live
in the united states it'll be exactlythe same book exceptional safe ball and
they're the company that makes the masonjars so lots of recipes in here and lots
of information on how to properly can agreat resource and it should be on your
bookshelf if you want to can at home andfor people that have never can before
and don't want to invest in glass jarsand this whole process of canning you
can still make this marmalade you canmake it as a freezer jam and in order to
make it as a freezer jam you just needplastic containers that you can put the
jam into and put it into the freezer youcan just use old washed out peanut
butter jars fill it with jam stick it inthe freezer when the one in your fridge
is done pull this one out of the freezerand just keep going keep in your freezer
for a fairly long time okay so we'veachieved the right temperature now we
just fill the jars and it's gonna bemessy and you want to make sure that you
try and fill them without getting anyair pockets inside which what this
mixture can be kind of tough becauseit's not very liquid as you can see it
is a very very thick marmalade so anddon't overfill the jar now I can hear
some people screaming why are you usinga metal spoon in this instance a metal
spoon is fine it's what my grandmotheralways used and I've never had any
trouble with it plastic or wood is whatmost people say you should use so tap
down check the rim of the jar and makesure that there's nothing spilled on it
take your lid and place it on topand then your ring on top of that just
spin it on just about that tight youdon't want to over-tighten now I take
these handy things and I put this rightinto my canning bath and move along to
the next jar last jar goes in lid goeson now I just let that boil for 15
minutes we turn the heat off we leavethe jars inside for a little while in
the water to cool down a little bit thenwe pull the jars out and we let them
cool completely meanwhile as is alwaysthe case there's a little bit left over
that didn't fit into the canning jars sowhat I'm gonna do is just sort of part
fill this jar and that's the one thatgoes in the fridge that we start eating
right away there's always a lot ofcleanup when you're canning and making
jam but it's so worth it so worth it
well it certainly smells very sweet sowe got three and a half jars of carrot
marmalade oh well clearly yep and theonly way to test carrot marmalade is to
have it on Toto so yeah it's all citrusyand and tasty like glue candy on your
toast well that's itum the carrot is mostly a little bit
sweet flavor and texture and you canplay with that texture in the first boil
before I put the sugar in the longer youboil it in that first boil the more the
carrot breaks down until you get ityou'll you would end up with a creamier
consistency than I have I like thechunks of I like the chunks in my in my
marmalade so to me this is really goodbut it is just a riff on an orange
marmalade it's an orange marmalade withcarrots stuck in yeah it really is if
you don't have enough oranges you feeltherefore that you can't afford to enjoy
yes you can't yes it's a filler for forthe oranges so like I said earlier this
is not a canning video if you want alittle bit yeah if you want to learn
about canning and preserving getyourself a really good book I showed you
this one earlier you need to know somevery basics and you need some basic
equipment that a lot of people don'thave so if you want to make this I would
suggest make it as a freezer Jam andjust reason easy way to do it or just
make enough and well that's it that's itthis only this one right away yeah this
makes a small amount so I mean you canput it in a bigger jar and stick it in
the fridge and it will last a year and ahalf well you've got some really great
gifts yeah let's say eat right away um Iknow that this will show up on my toast
every morning for the next little whilebecause I love this stuff thanks for
stopping by see you again soon

How To Make Carrot Marmalade Welcome Friends! Recently we made an orange honey quick bread' and at the end during the tasting I commented that it would go great with some carrot marmalade. Then I realized I haven't done a Carrot Marmalade Recipe on the channel yet... So today we're gonna fix that. Ingredients: 600g carrots, grated Thumb of ginger, grated 2 oranges, zested and juiced 2 lemons, zested and juiced 350 mL water 100mL white vinegar 400g granulated sugar Method: Combine grated carrots, ginger, orange & lemon zest, orange & lemon juice, and water in a non-reactive pan; bring to a boil and simmer for 15-30 minutes. Add the vinegar and sugar to the pot, stir to dissolve, and return to a boil. Boil for about 20-30 minutes until the marmalade reaches the ‘set’ point of 105ºC (220ºF). Transfer into sterilised jars, seal and hot water can for 15 minutes.Once canned these will keep for 24 months, but once opened should be kept in the fridge. Alternately this marmalade can be made as ‘freezer jam’. Le Gourmet TV Is Now - Glen & Friends Cooking! #LeGourmetTV #GlenAndFriendsCooking Check out the ‘Merch’ in our TeeSpring store- T-Shirts, Mugs and more: https://teespring.com/stores/glen-friends-cooking Please consider donating through PayPal to help us continue creating quality content: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=HL5HK9B6HX9AG&source=url